Stainless steel AISI 303 features
Stainless steel AISI 303 Corrosion Resistance :
Good resistance to mildly corrosive atmospheres, but significantly less than Grade 304 due to the sulphur addition; the sulphide inclusions act as pit initiation sites. Grade 303 should not be exposed to marine or other similar environments, as these will result in rapid pitting corrosion. Because the sulphide inclusions in 303 are primarily aligned along the rolling direction the corrosion resistance is particularly reduced in cross-sections.
Stainless steel AISI 303 like other common austenitic stainless steels, is subject to stress corrosion cracking in chloride containing environments above about 60°C.
Stainless steel AISI 303 Heat Resistance :
Good oxidation resistance in intermittent service to 760°C and in continuous service to 870°C. Continuous use in 425-860°C range not usually recommended due to carbide precipitation - 303 usually does not have a low carbon content so is susceptible to sensitisation.
Stainless steel AISI 303 Fabrication :
As well as reducing the corrosion resistance, the sulphur additions in 303 also result in poor weldability and reduced formability compared to Grade 304. Sharp bends should not be attempted in 303. A practical compromise alternative may be a 304 Ugima Improved Machinability grade - this does not machine as readily as 303, but does offer better formability (as well as better weldability and corrosion resistance).
Stainless steel AISI 303 Heat Treatment :
Solution Treatment (Annealing) - Heat to 1010-1120°C and cool rapidly. This grade cannot be hardened by thermal treatment.
Stainless steel AISI 303 Welding :
Not generally recommended but, if unavoidable and a lower strength can be tolerated, use Grade 308L or 309 electrodes. AS 1554.6 does not pre-qualify welding of 303. Welds must be annealed for maximum corrosion resistance.
Stainless steel AISI 303 Machining :
A "Ugima" improved machinability version of grade 303 is available in round bar products. This machines significantly better even than standard 303, giving very high machining rates and lower tool wear in many operations.
Further information or any demand of Stainless steel AISI 303 , please contact me .
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